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Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

Bioethics' teaching in medicine: Basis


  • Delia Outomuro Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


If you reconsider the medical practice's pattern, you immediately notice the need to form a general practitioner with an integral sight of humankind and medicine, one who would be able to criticize and judge the problems that daily practice involves. It is essential to incorporte bioethics in all degrees' curricula: this would develop a fundamental strategy in order to improve the quality of sanitary attention. It would also develop a medical practice within a frame that would emphasize an integrated attention over the specialized one and it would favour the "person" and not the illness. Arising from the university strategies should be planned to bring bioethics close to the comunity, thus helping dialogue and suplying symmetric conditions for a dialogue of all the social groups involved in bioethics' conflicts.


Bioethics, medical education, quality of medical practice

Author Biography

Delia Outomuro, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Doctora en Medicina y Licenciada en Filosofía. Profesora Regular Adjunta de Medicina Interna y Coordinadora de la Unidad Académica de Bioética de la Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.