
Todos los números de Acta Bioethica (desde 2000 a la fecha) están disponibles en formato PDF en los sitios:

Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

Ethics and bioethics inclusion in graduate and postgraduate surgeon-dentist career in Peru


  • Carmen Rosa García Rupaya Universidad de Chile


This article focuses on the need to examine the graduate and postgraduate studies of the suegeon-dentist in Peru. The presence of an ethic normative en scientific investigation generated by the University is analysed from the training of the professor's point of view. The paper also focuses on the knowledge and attitudes entailed with ethics and bioethics in the odontologist's shaping.

The paper deduces that a change of paradigm is an engagement that has to be encourageg through a massive movement that should involve family and academic contours aiming at integrating ethical refection in our daily proceedings.


Ethics, bioethics, odontologist's formation

Author Biography

Carmen Rosa García Rupaya, Universidad de Chile

Cirujano-Dentista, Magíster en Estomatología. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Perú