This article aims to carry out an analysis of the publications about subjective wellbeing that have been developed in Chile. To reach such an objective, all the publications indexed in the main databases were gathered. The analysed variables were: type of research according to its thoroughness, epistemological stance, disciplinary areas of the researchers and characteristics of the journal. The data were analysed through univariate descriptive statistics and analysis of multiple correspondences. The main results indicate that the first publications start in the decade of 2000, and are concentrated in the disciplinary field of psychology, basically using a quantitative research methodology, with correlational analyses, transversal, non-experimental and macro-subjective levels.
subjectivity, wellbeing, publication, bibliometric analysis, research
Farías, F., Orellana, C., & Pérez, C. (2015). Subjective wellbeing publications in Chile. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (54). Retrieved from