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Bayne, Tim y Montague, Michelle (2014), “Cognitive Phenomenology: An introduction”, en Bayne y Montague, eds., Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1-43.Bayne, Tim y Spener, Maya (2010), “Introspective humility”. Philosophical Issues. 20/1: 1-22.
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Carruthers, Peter y Veillet, Benedicte (2014). “The case against cognitive phenomenology”, en Bayne y Montague, eds., Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford Up; pp. 35-56.
Carruthers, Peter (2005), “Conscious experience versus conscious thought”, en Uriah Kriegel y Kenneth Williford, eds., Consciousness and Self-Reference. Oxford: Oxford UP; pp. 134-135.
Chalmers, David (2012), Constructing the World. Oxford: Oxford UP.
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McClelland, Tom (2016), “Gappiness and the Case for Liberalism About Phenomenal Properties”. Philosophical Quarterly. 66/264: 536-558.
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Searle, John Rogers (1983). Intentionality: An essay in the philosophy of mind. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge.
Siegel, Susanna (2010), The Contents of Visual Experience. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Spener, Maya (2014), “Disagreement about cognitive phenomenology”, en Bayne y Montague, eds., Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford UP; pp. 268-284.
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Tye, Michael y Wright, Briggs (2014), “Is there a phenomenology of thought?”, en Bayne y Montague, eds., Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford UP; pp. 326-344.