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Complexity and evolution in knowledge Systems: complex mechanism in chilean science and technology Systems


  • Ronald Cancino Salas Universidad de la Frontera


The article proposes a problem analysis of the complexity and the evolution from the emergency and hierarchy relationship point of view, especially in the knowledge systems' modelling field. It is proposed that starting from an "evolutionary epistemology", of a complex nature, it is possible to observe that the science field turns out particularly interesting since its modelling includes the observations' (studies/interventions about science and technology) observation (modelling) rather than observations that the science produces about nature/society. That means, it allows analysing the connections/disconnections between variation/selection dynamics between different hierarchical levels of the scientific system. This way, the problem of the transformations (morphogenesis) that involves the scientific-technological development currently, from a systemic, complex and evolutionary, point of view would require facing or overcoming some "epistemological obstacles" installed as observation mechanisms of the science-society relationship. Two of these mechanisms are proposed at least (neutralization of the knowledge and rules logics associated to the development semantics) and a hypothesis is proposed that would allow dealing with the problem of complex systems evolution, like the science and the technology. To model the transformations dynamics, if it is allowed, the knowledge system evolutionary dynamics, the "complex production mechanisms" concept-method is proposed. This notion is conceptually revised (hierarchy, exchange mechanisms, integration levels, complexity architecture) to propose 2 hypotheses about the Chilean scientific-technological system complexity that are represented as future research agendas.


complexity, evolutionary epistemology, knowledge Systems, science and technology policies, national innovation Systems

Author Biography

Ronald Cancino Salas, Universidad de la Frontera

Académico del departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de La Frontera.