
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento Vol. 9, Nº 17| NOV 2024 | Open Topic. Deadline for full manuscript submission: July 31, 2024. 

AIC2016: "Color in Urban Life"


  • Osvaldo Zorzano Betancourt Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, Chile


The Interim Meeting of the International Color Association is a multidisciplinary meeting, held every year in a different country. "Color in Urban Life" was the main theme of the 2016 edition, which was organized en Chile and brought together experts from different disciplines who link their professional work and research with the use of color in urban life, promoting the exchange of ideas, experiences and techniques that, through the application of color, generate proposals, products and services for the development of a better quality of life in our cities. The topics discussed in this event included the use of color in the natural and built environment, architecture, object design and communication, urban image and culture, current trends, theory, perception and wellness.


AIC2016, Chile, colour