The present study attempts to reveal Unamuno’s conception of family as conceived in his theoretical, literary and autobiographical writings. As a historical and hermeneutical work, it will focus on the written work of the author who is the ultimate object of the present investigation. Thus, the sociological horizon that gave rise to Unamuno´s reflection, when considered, can only find its theoretical sense in the fact that it allows the clarification of the thinker’s philosophical and educational position. In order to clarify his educational thought, we chose to previously define Unamuno´s conception of family so as to, based on their characterization, we can understand his peculiar conceptions of maternity and paternity. Despite its current decontextualization, and if properly targeted, such peculiar conceptions can recover the traits or spiritual dimensions of contemporary education, which requires the formation of the intimate self and the public self of the younger generations, i.e. their ethical-normative and political-legal education, which, nowadays, has been demanded of school.
Family, maternity, paternity, inner self and outer self
Maroro Dos Santos, E. (2018). Unamuno: family and its educational mission. Revista De Filosofía, 74, pp. 119–138. Retrieved from