The instant: Kairós and kairological temporality in Martin Heidegger



The paper addresses the problem of the instant (Augenblick) from the early work of Martin Heidegger and its extension in Being and time. The persuasion that only primitive Christianity has lived an original temporality, extends in Being and time in an interpretation of the instant as integration of the past and the future. That which in Aristotle could not be constituted –the connection between kairós and výn– finds its full disclosure in Pauline eschatology. However, the éschaton of the Christian parousía becomes Being and time in an eschatology of death.


Heidegger, Christianity, Temporality, Instant, Eschatology, Parousía, Death, Finitude

Author Biography

Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti, Universidad Andrés Bello

Departamento de Humanidades. Universidad Andrés Bello,


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