
Our call to publish in our next issue is now open!

The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) invites the academic community, both national and international, to send their articles to our website, in the "Send article" section. The article must comply the rules indicated in the "Submissions" section.

The call is open untill October 15, 2023.

The insolvency of SMEs derived from systemic crises and negotiation with tax creditors


Given the insolvency of SMEs, legal systems have not found adequate solutions. The usual bankruptcy processes are costly, slow and unsuitable instruments for small and medium debtors who are in default. For this reason, the laws have created alternative procedures that try to provide anticipated solutions or that promote personal negotiation. But tax creditors are another problem: they are not authorized to carry out negotiations with the debtor and therefore the failure of the process is a reality that still has no solution


Small and Mid-size Enterprise, Insolvency, Crisis, Creditors, Taxs


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