
Our call to publish in our next issue is now open!

The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) invites the academic community, both national and international, to send their articles to our website, in the "Send article" section. The article must comply the rules indicated in the "Submissions" section.

The call is open untill October 15, 2023.

The legal status of the cease-and-desist-letters sent by holders of industrial property rights to potential infringers: revisiting the intersection between antitrust and industrial property


  • Juan Pablo Iglesias Mujica Abogado, Chile
  • Benjamin Torres Rojo Abogado, Chile


This article analyzes the legal status of the cease-and-desist-letters sent by holders of industrial property rights to potential infringers under chilean antitrust/competition law. Based on an analysis of the criteria established in the relevant cases of the chilean Antitrust/Competition Court and the Supreme Court, as well as the legal relevance of this type of letters in order to constitute the civil liability in matters of industrial property rights, it is concluded that the sending cease-and-desist-letters is not an anticompetitive conduct. However, under certain circumstances, the sendings can give rise to competition concerns.


Cartas de advertencia, libre competencia, competencia desleal, propiedad intelectual, propiedad industrial, patentes.


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