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The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) invites the academic community, both national and international, to send their articles to our website, in the "Send article" section. The article must comply the rules indicated in the "Submissions" section.
The call is open untill October 15, 2023.
The final offer arbitration restricts the adjudicator’s options to one of the parties’ positions, thereby encouraging good faith negotiations, reasonable proposals and negotiated settlements. As detailed in this research, this variant of arbitration has been widely used for labor disputes in the United States, where it has also expanded into regulatory and antitrust arenas. The same has occurred in Canada, the European Union and Chile. Although the specific contexts differ, there is a common core element: bilateral negotiations with an imbalance in favor of one of the parties that can lead to abusive and/or disproportionate conditions. Final offer arbitration has the capacity to address this problem by distributing bargaining power between the parties and emulating the dynamics of a competitive market. Therefore, this paper argues that, properly used and designed, this type of arbitration is a relevant tool to be added —or used more frequently— as part of the arsenal of regulatory and competition authorities, and of individuals, in at least three situations: ex ante regulations that seek to replicate market
conditions; mitigations against transactions with horizontal, conglomerate and/or vertical risks; and measures imposed or concessions agreed in a judicial proceeding.
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